26 January 2012

Carpon : SI GATOT

Ku : MAMAT SASMITA                     CARPON SEJEN : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 
Ngaranna Sanusi, nénéhna Usi. Ngaran basajan, lain ngaran éxtra ordinary. Umurna kakara opat taun. Sapopoé sok buligir, tara dicalana-calana acan. Awakna seseg rada bucitreuk. Dahar rewog. Sagala bres. Komo mun dibéré sampeu manéhot, sampeu nu semu konéng, mun diseupan semu beukah, matak uruy. Dahar sampeu manéhot bari sila andekak, buligir, nyocolan sambel goang, seuhah, késang renung dina tarang.
Usi tara kacaturkeun kungsi gering, paling ukur ngingsreuk kitu gé tara lila. Mun hujan, boh hujan leutik boh hujan gedé kudu wé huhujanan di buruan bari nyoo leutak. Saré dimana dugna. Tetep buligir. Teu betah pisan disimbutan. Kulit sukuna, palebah bitis luarna, mani kandel. Kandel nanding kulit sapi, bakating mindeng digembrong dicoco reungit. Dicoco reungit mah sigana geus teu karasa, komo bangsa bentol ku hileud mah tara kacaturkeun pisan.
Ulin idek liher di buruan. Keur mah ongkoh imahna Usi téh aya di sisi kebon, jeung deuih ari di pasisian mah, di Cibogo Tonggoh, imah téh ancal-ancalan. Anggang jeung tatangga.
Lanceuk-lanceukna geus rada gedé, Usi mah tara dibabawa ulin, da dianggapna leutik kénéh.
Bapana Usi, sapopoéna tatanén. Boga sawah jeung kebon. Nu di sawahan mah teu pati lega, asal hasilna cukup keur dahar sapopoé. Panghasilan nu rada munel tina kebon. Di kebon melak sampeu, hui, taleus jeung sayuran. Bubuahan gé loba, sabangsaning jambu batu, nangka, alpuket, nu kawilang loba téh salak. Salakna sok disebut masir, cenah mah mun didahar karasa siga keusik jaba amis deuih, haseum saeutik, matak seger karasana. Siga salak Bali.

Usi sapopoéna sok diasuh ku ninina, komo mun emana Usi keur ka sawah.
Hiji waktu Usi dicalukan ku ninina
“Ujang kadieu, ieu nini méré anak hayam. Diurus nya sing hadé nya,” kitu cék ninina bari mikeun anak hayam sagedé peureup kolot.
Usi atoheunana dibéré anak hayam téh, ajrag-ajragan jeung émprak.
“Ieu mah bakal jadi hayam jago” cék ninina “Geura tingali” anak hayam dicekel, tuluy sela pingpingna digesek ku dampal leungeun. Enya wé hulu hayam téh ujug-ujug ngeluk siga rék kongkorongok.
Usi resepeun, seuri nyeuleukeuteuk ningali hayam ngeluk siga rék kongkorongok téh.
“Ari indungna kamana, nini?” cék Usi.
“Duka teuing ku careuh duka teuing ku heulang, ieu anakna nu salamet, ngan hiji”.
Usi ngahuleng. Tuluy Usi mawa anak hayam ka kebon, dipangoréhkeun kahakanan tina runtah.
Usi getén ngurus anak hayam. Unggal poé dibawa ulin ka kebon atawa ka sawah, dipangoréhkeun rinyuh, cacing jeung kadaharan sésa. Ari saré kudu bareng jeung anak hayam, puguh wé indungna ngambek, Usi keukeuh, tungtungna ku bapana Usi, anak hayam téh diwadahan kana tingkem, diteundeun gigireun Usi. Hayam morontod téréh ngagedéan, lantaran alus parab.

“Ujang urang béré ngaran hayam téh nya” cék ninina.
“Naon nini ngaranna?”
“Si Gatot wé nya”.
“Naha dibéré ngaran Si Gatot, nini?” cék Usi bari neuteup mureleng ka ninina.
“Engke ku nini dipangdongéngkeun pangna hayam dibéré ngaran Si Gatot. Ayeuna mah urang mandi heula, bisi kaburu soré”.
Usi jigrah. Usi ngingkig leumpang ka pancuran, rék mandi. Dituturkeun ku ninina.
Pasosoré, di tepas, bari ngadagoan magrib, ninina Usi ngadongéng pangna hayam dibéré ngaran Si Gatot.
Paralak ninina Usi ngadongéngkeun carita wayang, kulawarga Pandawa jeung anak-anakna. Dongéngna dijojoan. Salah saurang anakna Bima nyaéta Gatotkaca.
“Tah tina ngaran Gatotkaca ieu ngaran hayam disebut Si Gatot. Gatotkaca téh awakna gagah, kasép, kumisan, beungeut semu beureum, bebenteng keur ngabéla bebeneran, nyaah ka rahayat” kitu cék ninina Usi.
“Geura tingali beungeut hayam ku Ujang, pan rada beureum, jékrém, kasép, siga Gatotkaca, najan hayamna leutik kénéh, komo engké mun hayamna geus gedé mah”
Usi nelek-nelek beungeut hayam.
“Gatotkaca téh gagah sakti, bisa ngapung, anyaclang dina méga malang. Tulangna tina beusi, uratna tina kawat. Tanaga bedas pilih tanding. Bisa ngadéngé najan aya nu ngaharewos ti kajauhan. Bisa ningali najan nu ditingalina jauh pisan. Gatotkaca boga dulur sabapa nyaéta Jakatawang jeung Antareja. Jakatawang nu ngawasa laut. Antareja nu ngawasa taneuh. Jeung dulur silih wangikeun, silih hormat jeung silih bantuan. Silih asih, silih asah jeung silih asuh téh enyaan lain bobohongan”
Lalakon Gatotkaca remen pisan didongengkeun ku ninina Usi, duka teuing leunjeuran caritana mah bener atawa henteuna. Ngan nu mindeng kadéngé ku Usi, Gatotkaca téh pahlawan nagara nu ngabéla bebeneran, jujur jeung nyaah ka rahayat, nyaah ka Si Cepot, Dawala jeung Garéng.
 “Matakna, Ujang gé jeung dulur jeung babaturan téh kudu silih hormat, ulah papaséaan, ulah parebut cocooan, ulah silih herengan, ka babaturan kitu deui.”
 Usi ngahuleng, da tara parebut cocooan, malah lanceukna Usi sok mangnyieunkeun momobilan tina kulit jeruk bali.

Ti harita hayam dilandi Si Gatot jeung deuih hayamna gé siga nu ngarti mun digeroan Gatot téh sok néléndén. Hayam jago lindeuk ka Usi. Hayam jago linghas ka batur bari sok macok sok ngabintih. Hayam jago carambang bulu bodas totol beureum.
Basa si Gatot keur jajangkar, umur Usi lima taun. Usi tara taranjang deui. Pokna éra ku Si Gatot, apan awakna luis ku bulu. Éra ku Gatotkaca najan Gatotkaca wayang tina kai, tapi maké baju. Mun Usi maké baju, kaciri kéwes pantes, buuk mindeng digolep.
Basa si Gatot geus déwasa, Usi kakara asup sakola dasar.
Si Gatot geus kawentar sakampung Cibogo Tonggoh, hayam jago euweuh nu ngéléhkeun.
Usi sakolana soson-soson. Harepan aya dina dada, brajawisésa. Harepan aya dina panon, dina ceuli, saptapangrungu. Harepan aya dina dampal leungeun, brajamusti bajingakiri. Harepan aya dina tuur, brjadenta brajawikalpa. Harepan aya dina dampal suku, tapaknanggala. Usi hayang siga Gatotkaca, hayang siga si Gatot nu gedé kawani.

Usi kungsi nyaksian Si Gatot ragot jeung heulang, basa sawah rengsé panén. Ka sawah nu geus panén loba hayam ngoréhan jarami néangan bangsal, si Gatot kokotak tarik bari sisirintil, sigana ngabéjaan di langit aya heulang. Hayam nu keur anakan ribut, pahibut nyumput, anak hayam tingcariak, lalumpat nyumput dina handapeun jangjang indungna. Si Gatot nyebrut, awakna méh ngapung, guprak nubruk heulang nu nyoloyong rék ngaranggeum hayam. Heulang ngajengkang, Si Gatot ngagarapak bari ngabintih, heulang ngadaligdeu, tayohna reuwas teu nyangka rék aya nu nubruk. Heulang jaya di awang-awang, dina taneuh ukur mébérkeun jangjang. Usi muru bari mawa pangilang dituturkeun ku indungna nu keur moé paré. Heulang hiber dibaledog leutak ku indungna Usi. Si Gatot kokotak ramé, Usi ngilu sisirintil ngudag heulang nu geus mumbul ka luhur.
Si Gatot jadi sabiwir hiji, wani ngalawan heulang, Usi beukah irungna asana dirina nu dipuji. Enyaan Si Gatot gedé kawani. Usi tambah kanyaah, Si Gatot mindeng diogo, diparab ku cacing kalung, diparab kuuk, diparab jangkrik, geus puguh ku béas atawa paré mah.

Kungsi aya jelema nu ngocal-ngocal nawar Si Gatot, pédah kawentar hayam jago nu tara éléh diadu. Gantawang téh Usi nyarékan laklakdasar, majarkeun kolot euweuh gawé, tukang ngadu hayam mah di ahératna gé bakal diadukeun siga hayam. Indungna Usi sanduk-sanduk ménta dihampura ka tamu “Ujang éta teu kenging kitu ka tamu,” pokna. Usi mah tetep wé nyarékan bari jeung malédog sagala, “Wah kolot teu uyahan ema, tukang ngadu hayam,” cek Usi. Tamu téh mengpéos bari kuram kireum. Sanggeus tamu euweuh, Usi digelendut ku indungna, dipapagahan ulah kitu peta ka tamu.
Usi némbalan:”Ema, éta téh tukang ngadu hayam, bumina caket sakola, karunya ningal hayam ngan dikurungan wé saendeng-endeng, sok diadukeun di pengkereun bumina.” Indungna Usi teu majar kumaha, “Ari éta ujang terang ti mana, di ahérat tukang ngadu hayam mah sok diadukeun siga hayam?”
Usi ngajawab:”Kapan dongéng bapa, ramé ma ari bapa ngadongéng téh.” Indungna ukur unggut-unggutan.
Enya, da jaman harita mah jaman keur werit, nu boga radio gé ukur hiji dua, komo télévisi mah ukur béja. Nu disebut hiburan téh euweuh deui iwal ti ngadéngékeun indung bapa atawa ninina ngadongéng.  Bapana Usi mindeng ngawih bari maca wawacan Purnama Alam. Indungna sok nyaritakeun para sahabat nabi. Ari ninina mah mindeng ngadongeng wayang. Nu napel dina ingetan Usi tina dongéng bapana nyaéta Ratna Suminar, wanoja gedé kawani nu nyekel pageuh kana tetekon bebeneran, najan kalan-kalan barangasan tapi ajrih ka Déwi Pramanik. Ari tina dongéng indungna nu napel dina ingetan Usi téh nyaéta carita hiji indung katalangsara nu ngulub batu keur ngabobodo anakna ulah ngaéh ceurik baé lantaran kalaparan, ambéh disangka keur nyangu, nepi ka pangkat Halifah gé daék manggul béas. Dongéng ninina nu nepal dina ingetan Usi téh nyaéta dongéng Gatotkaca nu lébér wawanén ngabéla nagara.
Usi junun sakolana, boga cita-cita hayang ngabéla nagara siga Gatotkaca, hayang lébér wawanén siga Ratna Suminar, hayang gedé kanyaah ka sasama, ka rahayat siga Sayidina Umar. Ku babaturanana remen dilandi Si Gatot. Maké baju tetep rapih, buuk tetep digolep.


Taun 2011 Sanusi keur jeneng, jadi walikota. Malah jenengna periode kadua lantaran kapaké jeung kapilih ku rahayat. Mindeng ngurilingan kota, teu pati ngarasa kumaha macétna patalimarga da mun indit-inditan teu weléh dikawal maké sirine. Mindeng ulin ka pasar tradisional jejeblogan maké sendal capit, make calana sontog. Mindeng ngilu ngarawu runtah nu bacacar di sisi jalan. Mindeng ngilu sasapu hareupeun balé kota. Mindeng milu sasapu di unggal taman nu aya di kota. Mindeng meuli rujak bebek di sisi jalan. Mindeng niup suling jeung nu ngamén, mindeng ocon jeung nu maén dogér monyét di parapatan jalan. Mindeng ngilu meresihan WC umum di terminal beus.

Sanusi, ayeuna mah tara aya nu nyebut Usi, keur ngabaheuhay dina korsi males di tepas hareup imahna, poé peré ayeuna mah euweuh acara nu kudu didatangan, éstu hayang cicing di imah, ngareureuhkeun palay. Éstu hayang ngaraga meneng, cicing di imah ngararasakeun betahna hirup. Angin ngahiliwir nebak daun tangkal samolo, najan keur usum halodo, keur hareudang bayeungyang, di imahna karasa nyecep tiis da liuh ku tatangkalan. Kurunyung nu pikét jaga di gerbang hareup datang, mikeun surat-surat. Surat-surat téh satumpukan, aya ti yayasan, aya ti LSM, aya ti organisasi pangajian, aya ti DKM, aya ti partey politik. Geus kajudi eusina, mun ti yayasan pasti eusina proposal, mun ti LSM pasti nyabit kakurangan gawe, mun ti organisasi pangajian pasti hayang dihadiran, mun ti DKM biasana hal ngawangun masjid. Aya surat nu rada béda, nu ieu mah sigana ti pribadi, surat téh méh-méhan teu dibuka, da biasana nu model kitu téh surat kaleng, nu eusina ngalaporkeun bawahanana nu basilat, nu teu waras gawe atawa ngalaporkeun nu salingkuh atawa nu kumpul kebo.
Amplop surat disoéhkeun, da dirapet pageuh. Surat téh panjang, aya kana opat kacana ukuran folio nu aya guratna. Tulisanana meunang nulis ku leungeun lain meunang ngetik ku komputer, gurat tulisanana ipis kandel. Nandakeun nu nulisna ti sakolaan jaman baheula, nulisna sigana lain maké bolpoin, tapi maké pulpén mangsi, mun henteu ku kalam gé. Rapih, sigana nulisna diapik-apik, atawa kitu wé meureun tulisan kaluaran sakola baheula mah, alus. Basana basa loma, lain basa lemes. Bubukana mah biasa wé maké salam tuluy aya kecap mugi aya dina kawilujengan. Nu ngagebeg éta nyebut Sanusi téh ku Gatot. Cenah ngahaja nulis Gatot téh ambéh inget deui kana cita-cita baheula hayang boga ketak siga Gatotkaca dina ngabéla nagara, ambéh inget deui kana dongéng Sayidina Umar r.a nu manggul gandum lantaran aya rahayatna nu katalangsara nepi ka ngulub batu. Ambéh inget deui kana ketak Ratna Suminar nu ajrih ka Déwi Pramanik. Enyaan nulisna téh ku basa loma da nepi ka aya kecap kieu : “Gatot, uing mah lain teu satuju ilaing meresihan WC di terminal beus, kacipta pangkat walikota ngagosrék nyikat WC, kahadé eta gawe teh bisi ukur pupujieun, ambeh katangar hayang kapake ku rahayat nu bakal milih. Padahal masih loba keneh nu leuwih penting nu kudu dipigawe ku walikota, nyaeta meresihan tina panyakit korupsi.”  Cék eusi surat deui “Uing mah hayang ngadéngé ilaing ngomong di hareupeun balaréa yen di kota ieu beresih tina korupsi, terus aya kasanggupan mun aya bawahan nu korupsi, ilaing sanggup mundur, sanggup eureun tina kalungguhan walikota, kapan bawahan mah tara salah, nu salah mah nu mingpinna.”
Sanusi ngahuleng salila-lila, na saha nu ngirim surat téh? Dina pikiranana nataan hiji-hiji sakabéh dulurna nu nyaho perkara Si Gatot, hayam jago inguanana. Asa euweuh dulurna nu bakal nyieun surat siga kitu. Boa-boa babaturanana jaman keur sakola dasar baheula kitu? Bisa jadi. Sanusi ngilikan alamat nu ngirim surat. Aya ngaran jeung alamatna mah, tapi da teu wawuh ka ngaran éta. Sanusi nimbang-nimbang, naha perlu atawa henteu disusud, cék pikirna teu perlu disusud, teu perlu ditaléngténg saha-sahana.
Surat dibaca deui, dijojoan.
“Meungpeung jeneng kénéh, kudu hadé gawé.  Nu disebut hadé gawé….ah didinya gé meureun ngarti naon nu disebut hadé gawé téh. Tapi sahenteuna nilik hadé gawé téh lain cék sorangan, tapi kudu cék batur, cék rahayat. Uing embung boga walikota mun geus eureun tina kalungguhanana (di dinya mah moal dipilih deui da geus dua kali lin?), tuluy dikerewed dititah saré di hotél pordéo, dibui, dititah milang jariji beusi alatan basilat. Beu matak éar jeung matak éra rahayat sakota, anak pamajikan bakal meungpeun saendeng-endeng, dulur-dulur ngaharintul, indung bapa nandang wirang.”
Di bagian handap surat kabaca:”Hampura lur, uing mah nulis surat téh bakating ku nyaah wé, uing gé mindeng dipapatahan ku kolot keur budak, atuh geus kolot mindeng mapatahan ka anak sangkan hirup junun, sangkan hirup jujur, ngan apan mindeng kabelejog da loba pangbibita haliah dunya. Ongkoh deuih nulis surat téh basana bisi karasa kasar, sakali deui hampura. Bisi ngarasa kaganggu ku ditarimana ieu surat, anggap wé euweuh, suratna diduruk wé. Aéh heueuh, mun teu salah déngé énté téh hayang nyalon jadi gupernur, alus tah, ngan kahadé wé sing inget kana umur jeung kamampuh, bisi rahayat ngarasa kabelejog, bahaya mun rahayat geus ambek mah matak geumpeur saréréa. Uing mah ukur ngajurung ku du’a mugi sadayana aya dina karidoan Alloh Swt.”    
 Sanusi ngadayagdag bari semu ngeureuceum, surat ditilepan, digolérkaeun dina méja. Sanusi ngarawél koran nu ngabarak dina méja, dipaké ngageberan awak nu karasa hareudang bayeungyang. Kagambar pameunteu emana, bapana, ninina nu geus euweuh dikieuna, boa keur nyerangkeun ti alam kalanggengan bareng jeung Si Gatot■

(Dimuat dina Tribun Jabar Salasa 24 Jan 2012, Rebo 25 Jan 2012, Kemis 26 Jan 2012)

21 January 2012


By : MAMAT SASMITA                                                                 Sundanese Version
Translated from Sundanese into English by Josephine Natania.
In the early hours of a day, when the world was still in silence, the train station could not miss the rumbling sounds of passing trains. Goods trains often passed in the time like this since the dusk fell few hours ago, but they rarely stopped at the station.
            Nevertheless, this was not a disturbance for Eulis and Ma[1] Inung. They slept peacefully besides the railway. Used cardboards were stood up against the station wall to prevent the wind blowing in, but the night wind still could be felt through the crack between the wall and the boards. This made Ma Inung coiled deeper and cuddled Eulis firmly.
            Eulis was sleeping when a goods train passed. She was woken up and blinked her eyes. Then she raised her body and stared outside from the crack. Her eyes caught some shiny lights hopping around. They looked like scattered away everywhere because of the train’s heavy blow.
            She became curious. Her fingers strongly held Ma Inung’s blanket.
            “MaMa…” She shook Ma Inung. The old woman finally woke up.
            “What happened?” She was sure in her heart that there was a police patrol.
            “But, it’s not their regular time,” she thought, having not heard the adzan[2] call.
            It was not unusual for Ma Inung to get caught while the police was patrolling. She would just get up from her sleep and obey the order. If she had a nice proper place to sleep, she certainly would not have to take a rest in that poor place.
            “Over there!” Eulis pointed out. She infected Ma Inung with her curiosity. Ma Inung slid the boards to see what made Eulis so interested. Afar from there, a patrol police in deep blue uniform with belt and golden tassel stood guarding. He brought a lance with him.
            If it was not a police, then what?
Her eyes roamed the station. Moments later, she was flabbergasted, seeing a bunch of lights under the waiting room bench. The lights were like twinkling stars in the sky, spreading beautiful green, ivory, gold, and silver sparkles.       
Ma Inung was confused. Her mind told her to be stern, but inside her heart she was afraid too. The lights could be gold or diamonds which fell down from passenger train last evening. She asked for God’s forgiveness several times while trying to strengthen her heart. She forced herself to move though she was still sleepy.
“Eulis, let’s take a look!”
This invitation was greeted by the young girl’s convulsive grab.
They observed the lights coming under the bench.
“Were they fireflies?” asked Eulis.
“No,” replied Ma Inung.
 “Hmmmm…maybe gold?”
“……I don’t know.”
“Or diamonds?”
“No idea.”
Along with the last answer given, Ma Inung tried to take one to know what that really was. But when it was almost in her palm, it swiftly flew. Well, it looked like catching a fly or taming a pigeon. The light shook slowly, blew by the wind, moved to another place and sparkled again.
Ma Inung pondered a while. Maybe they did not belong to her as it could not get caught. Surely blessings would not go anywhere.
Ma, I got it!” Eulis’s voice sounded excited.
“Put it on plastic bag!”   

Ma Inung followed Eulis who was fussing around while catching the other lights. Eulis looked extremely happy to pick them up. Ma Inung also clasped the plastic bag, which was usually used for storing chips, so that it would not loose.

Eulis collected all the lights until she reached Kebon Kawung street. Beyond their expectation, the street glowed with the lights too! There were much more towards the east, gathering around like ants on sugar.
Her hands had been filled up so she came closer to Ma Inung.
Ma, the bag, please.”
“Wait. Carry with your skirt first.”
Ma Inung walked with fast paces to the east. She determined to scoop the lights. Maybe it was easier to get one or two if they were in group. She kicked and stepped down anywhere. 
Ah! Got one!
When she admired the light… Bump! Her forehead knocked against a wall.
She lifted up her head while rubbing the pain. Her eyed fixed unto the big wall.
The wall was pure white with sharp iron tip on top of it. In each three meter, there were lamps which were still turned on. The wall looked like covered by millions of fireflies. How satisfied it would be to scoop them all with a sieve, a net, or maybe a half part of coconut shell!
Ma Inung saw that near an arc in the east part, there were many more lights, mixed with the rays of the rising sun. She shook her head. It was unbelievable! She could not count how many times had she asked for God’s forgiveness.
Eulis then came to her. She grabbed the plastic bag and poured out all the lights she managed to catch.
“There were many more over there!” She pointed.
Ma Inung nodded with agreement.

Ma Inung slowly walked towards the arc. Her hand traced the wall’s surface. Eulis was in front of her, walking with quick steps. They were at a building’s yard now.
A military guard was seen being sleepy on his post. His head nodded forward several times. He wore the same uniform as the station police’s. Dark blue uniform with golden tassel, complete with a belt and a lance. “Internal Security Guard” was written on the belt. The sharp protruding point of the lace headed above. Ma Inung fixed her eyes on his and then slowly moved on.

An enormous building stood before their eyes. The size of the pillars was amazing! It was like a coconut tree or waist of a pregnant woman or stomach of a buffalo.
In the terrace, the lamps shone brightly. The floor glittered. Every door handle was gold in color.
“What building is this?” Eulis asked.
“I don’t know.”

A little while later, Eulis exclaimed with happiness looking at a beautiful garden in front of the building. She jumped towards it and found herself being surrounded by meticulously planted flowers. The buds blossomed well, a sign that they were taken with very good care. She felt as if she had been a princess who was playing in the royal garden. The flowers and the lights both shone beautifully. She never saw such a magnificent view in her life before and now she barely held herself to kiss the flowers and play with the floating lights.
Ma Inung stared at this little princess.
“How pity you are, my child.” She spoke in her heart, remembering Eulis’s parents whose presence unknown.

It seemed that the military guard heard the noise came out of the garden. His eyes were heavy to open. He slowly got up and grasped the lance.
“Who’s that?” The voice sounded hoarse.
No answer. Silent.
Ma Inung felt her body trembled, afraid of having secretly entered a yard.
The sound of the stripped black and white shoes stepping the ground was heard. A big tall figure appeared. He played the lance. Ma Inung shuddered and Eulis was still as quiet as a mouse.
They were seized and brought to a guard post, feeling like a buffalo which was pulled by a rope through its nose. Afterwards, there came an interrogation. The questions were given with rapid speed one after another. Name, place of origin, age, job, address, and identity card. Ma Inung’s status of being a widow also did not lose their attention. The main question was certainly, why were they so bold to enter the yard?
Ma Inung answered all questions with total frankness. She was Inung from Selaawi village, a 60-year-old widow with no job. She stayed inside card boards next to railways in the train station. Never studied at school, only at pesantren[3]. No identity card. Eulis was the next person she explained. This 8-year-old girl was her granddaughter. She only schooled till grade two because her grandma did not have any money. While her parents worked in a faraway place, in Saudi Arabia. They sold their house and a small block of their rice field to go there. They left Eulis in the guidance of her grandma. Sadly, it had been two years since they left but no money ever sent from there.
If she had not been a beggar, what would have they eaten? She had no money for buying rice since the price became more expensive. That was the reason why they entered the garden in order to catch lights.
Ma Inung apologized for their mistake and hoped that the guard would be kind enough to forgive them.
Nini[4], don’t go anywhere! Just stay here lest this be a trouble. I still had things to do. There would be many guests to attend coffee morning today,” ordered the guard and went out as hearing his friend called him.
“Ready, commandant!” shouted the guards outside altogether.

Meanwhile, Ma Inung and Eulis hid themselves on the corner. They just waited, spoke a little, and held the plastic bag firmly. The guard asked them to keep the bag as a proof.
Short time later, a shiny fine red car strolled down.
Eulis glanced from a window then whispered,” Ma… there were lights on the car wheels.” Ma Inung quickly looked out. That was true! The passengers got out of the car and the lights shivered down from their body and clothes too!
She threw a sidelong glance to the terrace. A man was sweeping out the lights. She got more confused. This was too obscured to her. Why did those precious lights seem valueless here? They were wasted, swept away, ran over by car, and thrown away from body and clothes?
She uttered no words, kept her mouth closed, and just stroked Eulis’s head.
There were many more cars to come when the day grew brighter. The lights on the car wheels were more subdued by the shining sun.

After the coffee morning ended and all the guests went back home, the guard went back to his post.
Nini, where’s the plastic bag?”
“Here it is.” Ma Inung handed the bag which was believed containing priceless lights.
 He opened and examined it carefully.

A minute later…
“Why, you lied, did you? There’s nothing special in it. They’re just torn pieces of newspaper. They’re all small pieces; you even can’t do anything with it.” He handed back the bag.
Ma Inung was bewildered. She opened the bag and found torn newspaper pieces, as small as a child’s little finger.
She was so ashamed as to become speechless. The hope that she set high washed away. She thought that the lights came from gold, diamonds, or something else valuable and could be used for affording their daily needs.
Adén[5],… it’s true that I took lights at dawn and put them in this plastic bag. They glittered everywhere, in the garden, on the street, in that terrace, even on the wheels of the cars that came this morning.” She tried to convince him while taking a piece of torn newspaper for him to see.
He examined it once again. His eyes caught some words written on it.
“Honesty, justice, duty, wisdom, vow, promise”
It made him absorbed in deep thought.
At last he spoke,” Nini, listen. About this lights matter, it’s up to you. But what’s important is that you must never enter this building again, though it’s only passing through the arc, understand?”
Ma Inung replied, “I’m so sorry, Adén. It wouldn’t happen again. But, may I know what building is this?”
“This is Gedong Pakuan[6]. The king lives here. The guests coming this morning were rich people from government offices who rule this capital city. They came to have a coffee with the king while discussing about the people. Now, Nini, bring back the bag. It’s just garbage here.”  

[1] Mother (as an address by children)
[2] Morning salat time for Moslem
[3] A kind of school where the students are mostly taught about Islam religion
[4] Grandmother (also as a term of address to an old woman in general)
[5] A friendly term of address for boys or young men
[6] The office and residence of the governor of West Java province

16 January 2012


Dongeng ieu dicutat tina buku PARIBOGA Salawe dongeng Sunda beunang ngumpulkeun C.M.Pleyte diterbitkeun taun 1911. Dongeng KI SABEULAH asalna ti daerah Bandung, ieu teh numutkeun catetan dina daftar eusi. Dongeng ieu ngahaja diposting dina wangun gambar JPG, bisi aya nu perlu bisa disusun jadi PDF. Mugi aya mangpaatna.

14 January 2012


Dongeng ieu dicutat tina buku PARIBOGA Salawe dongeng Sunda beunang ngumpulkeun C.M.Pleyte diterbitkeun taun 1911. Dongeng KI SATOE DJEUNG KI DOEA asalna ti daerah Galuh (Ciamis ayeuna), ieu teh numutkeun catetan dina daftar eusi. Dongeng ieu ngahaja diposting dina wangun gambar JPG, bisi aya nu perlu bisa disusun jadi PDF. Mugi aya mangpaatna.

06 January 2012


By : MAMAT SASMITA                                  Sundanese Version
Translated from Sundanese into English by Josephine Natania.

“Sujang, have you been full?” asked Nini[1] Jumsih, looking at her grandson who was eating cross-legged in the middle of the house.
            “Take my meal if you haven’t.” She held out a plate full of rice with fried eel for the side dish.
            “You don’t need to, Mom. Just eat up your lunch.” Kang[2] Sabri spoke for his son. “There’s quite portion for him in tetenong[3].” But Nini Jumsih ignored this remark and still gave her meal.
            Sujang is Kang Sabri’s youngest child whose age was about 4 years and 4 months. It is the normal time for kids to be very fond of food.
            “It’s alright. I give it willingly,” she explained. “Meal is just a small thing since I can’t give any others. Besides, I’ve been full with any kinds of food while Sujang is still a kid with such big appetite.”
            These words silenced him since what her mother said was truly right. Sujang was being gluttonous. “Don’t spoil him too much, Mom.” That was he could only say.
            “Spoil him? I don’t have anything to do that, Sabri!” She silenced him with her words once again.
Honestly, he wanted to be generous to his son and mother, but his work demanded him to use money economically. Every day, with his motorcycle, he drove somebody to the places they wanted and they would pay him for the service. Nevertheless, in the village like this, passengers were not always in certain numbers every time. On Saturdays, he usually got more money because many factory workers went back home from towns or cities.
            If it was taken for daily needs, his earnings could only afford to buy food, while there were five people to feed on. His wife, his two children, his mother who lived together since his father passed away, and himself.
            It was difficult to do any works right now, even more in the village. The costs were also increasing all the time. With this kind of condition, if one always felt dissatisfied, unhappiness would surely follow. 
In addition, Kang Sabri worked in fields to hoe the soil, but it was only sometimes. He also had his own field from selling a small block of land. This land was actually an inheritance from his father, but it was rather infertile, so whatever he planted would not give any crops.
            Actually he was not willing to sell that small block. An inheritance had to be carefully treated. He understood it very well, but as the proverb may say that we must live to its fullest. However, the money he got from selling the land was used well for the family’s needs and so far, thanks to God! They still could eat every day and his motorcycle was in a good condition.

            In the evening…
            The sky was very clear, even no sight of dark clouds above. The wind blew hard from the west to the east side.
            “Hurry, Sujang! Take a bath! We watch kite play in the great rice field,” Nini Jumsih loudly called.
            Sujang stood completely naked. Having just played on the side of chicken’s cage, his body was fully dirty. Probably he caught some undur-undur[4]. 
            “Wait for me, Grandma! I go along with you.”
            The boy got off quickly at once to the shower. Nini Jumsih followed him from behind and took two fistful of harendong[5] leaves.
            “Clean well, dear. Don’t just pouring water! Ah, let me scrub your body.”
            She scrubbed the boy’s body with harendong leaves till all the grime removed. The leaves can be used as soap, though they do not have much foam, but it is good to remove skin dirt.  
            After he put on some clothes, he and his grandma went to the great rice field. They really came on the right time as harvest season had just been over. As far as the eyes could see, the wide flat rice field stretched over on a great distance. It would be pleasant to fly kites there.
            “Wow, there have been many people, Sujang,” whisper Nini Jumsih. “Let’s go to the hut over there! It’s a nice place to watch,” she continued and led the way by holding the boy’s hand. They tracked down the rice-field dikes.
            These two happy people sang song together while watching many children who were trying to catch each other’s kites. The broken kites were the ones to fight for. The children, bringing gantar[6], trooped down towards those kites.
            Shout and laughter were heard from the south. Certainly there was ball game played there. The ball itself was made of straws, rounded to form a ball shape. 
            In the evening like this, the great rice field would always be surrounded with cheerful children, especially after harvest season.
            Without any notice, all of a sudden the children came to the hut where Sujang and Nini Jumsih were singing. They ran after a broken kite flying towards the hut. They were all on their guards and put their sticks up as high as their hands supported.
            “You do want a kite, do you?” Nini Jumsih asked Sujang who was flabbergasted, noticing the boys’ bustle. Hearing the question, he only fixed his eyes upon her grandma without uttering a word.
            Two days ago, he fought with his brother for a kite. The brother, instead of giving it, hid it on the attic. Sujang sobbed and rolled round and round on the floor, but neither the father nor the mother paid serious attention to him. “Sujang is still is a kid. He hasn’t been able to fly kite, he may fall forward on the other hand,” said his mother.
            To make Sujang stop crying, Nini Jumsih asked him to pick cécéndet[7] leaves and dig for yams. When the dusk fell out, he successfully brought the leaves and the yams home in both full hands.
            Nini Jumsih stroked Sujang’s hair softly.
“If you want a kite, I’ll get it for you, dear”
Sujang leaned over to her while she continually stroked his hair. Maybe it is true that sometimes the love we have for our grandchildren is bigger than the love for our own children.

Nini Jumsih stood, fixed her sarong, and pulled it up a bit.
“Sujang, stay here and wait for me!”
She lifted her head up and looked at the kite flying there. The kite flew closer to the hut. It seemed that the string was broken. She quickly jumped. So did the other children. They both hunted the same thing. She forgot her age and her hunched body. She chased, slightly kicked the boys, and shouted,” That’s mine! That’s for my grandson!” Of course the boys directly set aside, afraid to compete with an old woman. Realizing their changed reaction, she replied them with shy look and glanced back to the kite up there.
Nini Jumsih then tried to grab the tail, but it loosed her grip and swung away to the ditch. The people, who was watching kite play at first, dumbfounded looking at this old woman’s action. Not only her energy was bigger than the young children, but also her jump was above them.
She grabbed once more. Got it! But as a result, she plopped down into a watery ditch. The kite was safe, on the other side she became soggy wet.
Knowing this accident, Sujang jumped towards her grandma. She rose up and shivered but ignored her wet clothes. “Fly this, while the day is  still bright.” Her grandson obeyed her though had not been able to fly it high. The day ran into dawn slowly till tonggeret[8] was heard singing and the mountain wind was coldly felt.
“Let’s go home, Sujang! It’s getting dark. You can try it again tomorrow,” Nini  Jumsih suggested. Tears filled her eyes seeing her grandson so happy to have a kite. He rolled the kite strings into a piece of wood as following her grandma into the house.

“Sabri, come here. Please cover me with the blanket. My body feels cold,” Nini Jumsih shouted.
Kang Sabri came hurrily to his mother, feeling rather worried that she unusually shouted like that. He touched her forehead, getting shocked by the high fever that welcomed him. “Mom, let me put a moist towel on your forehead, will you?” but she refused.
Since that moment, Nini Jumsih was ill and not for a long time till she passed away. Kang Sabri still remembered her last words, “Sabri, take a look at Sujang. Maybe he’s been able to fly kite.”
After her grandma’s death, Sujang just played kite at home. He was afraid to play in the great rice field as no one accompanied him there.
Finally, one day he said, “Grandma, I can fly kite now!”


[1] Grandmother (also as a term of address to an old woman in general)
[2] Brother (also used in conjunction with personal names, official title, etc)
[3] A kind of round bamboo basketry (about 0.5 m) with a flat cover to store food
[4] Larva of a kind of an ant-lion which walks backward
[5]  Kind of upright small shrub, member of the Melastomacae family
[6]  Long thin straight bamboo sticks with forked branch in the end to get the kite string easily
[7] Physalis angulata L.
[8] A kind of cicada